We have a new date. Blerg.
Ready for winter.
I knew it was a possibility, but assumed it wouldn't happen. The surgery will now be on December 3rd. This forced me to reschedule her six month check up and immunizations with her pediatrician, her follow up with her ophthalmologist, and her initial dentist appointment.
They actually called me awhile ago to reschedule it, I just couldn't write about it because there are too many thoughts.
I need to keep in mind that if it weren't for the surgery(ies) involving shaving off a piece of her skull and inserting a screw into her face and related specialist-scheduling drama, everyone would just want me to shut up about my stupid, perfect baby. She is happy, she is on a schedule, she rolls over both ways (granted I had to trick her to get her to roll from stomach to back after weeks of stranding herself on her stomach after flipping from her back like some sort of upside down turtle baby), she tracks, she reaches and grabs, she self plays and soothes, she eats like a champ. Her favorite thing to do is zoom. This involves one of us holding her out, her stretching out her arms like an airplane, one of us yelling "zooooooooooooom" while running through the hallway, and then ending with a bounce on the bed and a chuckle. As far as she knows, her life is problem-free. Every kid loses this illusion eventually, but she has to lose it at the age of six months. And I hate that.